All pumpkin recipe note locations and rewards

Last week, Phasmophobia received a Halloween update that brought along a number of temporary changes. The most notable is the introduction of a limited-time event in which players must collect recipe notes from pumpkins' mouths placed on specific maps. Those that complete the event will be rewarded with some unique items.

Last week, Phasmophobia received a Halloween update that brought along a number of temporary changes. The most notable is the introduction of a limited-time event in which players must collect recipe notes from pumpkins' mouths placed on specific maps. Those that complete the event will be rewarded with some unique items.

This article will cover all the pumpkin note locations in Phasmophobia during the Halloween event in 2023.

Every pumpkin recipe note location in Phasmophobia

The location of every pumpkin note in Phasmophobia is as follows:

1) 6 Tanglewood Drive

6 Tanglewood Drive Pumpkin (Image via Kinetic Games)

The pumpkin can be found by heading towards the kitchen, located at the right side at the end of the hallway. The vegetable with a note is placed under a blue couched table.

2) 42 Edgefield Road

42 Edgefield Road Pumpkin (Image via Kinetic Games)

The 42 Edgefield Road Pumpkin can be found on the second floor. Climb through the stairs from the main entrance and turn left. The item is present beside the study desk in the room on the right side.

3) 10 Ridgeview Court

10 Ridgeview Court Pumpkin (Image via Kinetic Games)

The pumpkin containing the note is located in the basement. Enter the building and proceed downstairs; it will be located on the left side on the second lower shelf.

4) Grafton Farmhouse

Grafton Farmhouse Pumpkin (Image via Kinetic Games)

Enter through the main door and proceed forward to exit through the backdoor. Head right to locate the glowing pumpkin.

5) 13 Willow Street

13 Willow Street Pumpkin (Image via Kinetic Games)

Exit the van and turn left to discover the Willow Street Pumpkin beside the bush.

6) Bleasdale Farmhouse

Bleasedale Farmhouse (Image via Kinetic Games)

The pumpkin can be found in the attic of the huge farmhouse. Proceed through the main entrance and climb the stairs to reach the designated floor. Turn right and check behind the wooden box to locate the item.

7) Prison

Prison Pumpkin (Image via Kinetic Games)

Head forward through the main door and unlock the sliding cells on the left. Open the Central Control Unit room to locate the pumpkin placed on one of the seats.

8) Camp Woodwind

Camp Woodwind Pumpkin (Image via Kinetic Games)

The Camp Woodwind pumpkin note can be picked up by unlocking the wooden entrance and checking behind the left gate.

9) Maple Lodge Campsite

Maple Lodge Campsite (Image via Kinetic Games)

Enter through the entrance and head towards the bonfire on the left. The pumpkin can be found placed on the wooden log.

This summarizes the location of every pumpkin required to complete the Halloween event in Phasmophobia. Those who secure each recipe note will be rewarded with a limited-time Halloween ID card and a Cauldron Trophy.

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