Bill Simmons ESPN Wrestlemania Diary

It has the standard potshots at wrestling, but was kind of interesting. Read the whole thing, and you get the picture that the guy is a fan who doesn't want to be uncool, so he doesn't let on how much he knows about the WWE. E.g., Randy Orton has the potential to have a Shawn

Not sure if anyone saw this, but Bill Simmons posted a Wrestlemania article on

It has the standard potshots at wrestling, but was kind of interesting. Read the whole thing, and you get the picture that the guy is a fan who doesn't want to be uncool, so he doesn't let on how much he knows about the WWE. E.g., Randy Orton has the potential to have a Shawn Michaels-like career if he 'gets his head screwed on right'. And I can't decide which I can stand less. sport reporters who insist on calling wrestling fake every time they are forced to write about it, or Kevin Nash making a "this business" reference in every single promo he's ever done.

He obviously hates Matt Striker, though he does bring up a valid point. Striker says things in the tone of a good reporter, but most of them don't really provide any insight, they just state the obvious. It finally struck me that maybe that is what's keeping me from liking him as much as everyone else seems to. I don't hate him either, it's just something has always kind of bugged me about him, maybe that is it.

Anyway, the article is there for anyone who wants to read and comment. Did he treat wrestling with respect? Is he more than the childhood wrestling fan he claims to be? Did I miss the part where Batista held the WWE belt for much of the last 5 years??

