ECWs Queen Of Extreme Francine Interview Highlights

FRANCINE: After finishing up with Brimstone, Francine makes her Epicenter return after a 3 year absence! She says, "My Wednesday nights have been lonely without you!" James mentions that everyone that he has interviewed over the past year has said that Francine is the happiest they have ever seen her now that shes

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– After finishing up with Brimstone, Francine makes her Epicenter return after a 3 year absence! She says, "My Wednesday nights have been lonely without you!"

– James mentions that everyone that he has interviewed over the past year has said that Francine is the happiest they have ever seen her now that she’s married. Francine says she really is and says that is what the love of a good man can do for you. She says, however, that losing her father and sister so close to one another really was a down time in her life but sees her pregnancy as a chance to look forward to a happier 2009. She is in her second trimester.

– Francine is going to be a part of the Staten Island Supersign and she goes through the long list of names that are set to appear at the event. Some of those names include ODB, Brutus Beefcake, Nikolai Volkoff, Shelley Martinez, Justin Credible, Christy Hemme, Gorgeous George, John Cena Sr., Balls Mahoney, & Ninzio (….or Little Guido) Many other guests have been announced since the interview.

– James and Francine banter back and forth over if Vince McMahon renamed Little Guido "Nunzio" as "guido" isn’t exactly a positive name to Italians.

– Francine says she’s proud to be part of the Staten Island Super Sign because while it is a paid event, the promoter (Michelle Mupo) is doing nice things for charitable causes while there. James says that the good things that are being done is why he has jumped on board with both feet. Francine says she feels the same way and can’t wait to see everyone this Saturday!

– Francine is still a part of WEW. She is the head writer and booker for the show. The next show is sometime in April. Right now she obviously can’t do much but she’s more interested in passing the torch to the younger girls. For example, on the last PPV, she wrote herself in as a referee since that is a safer place to be.

– When asked if the WEW are still auditioning for PWO girls, Francine laughs and says they are trying to back away from that aspect of the show. But, she says the PWO girl sketches, which are very risque, are a necessary evil because a lot of people buy the pay per views just for that despite the fact that the girls wrestling really do try hard. She says that she doesn’t mind that people make fun of WEW but thinks it deserves a little more credit than it gets.

– Patrick asks who she still keeps in contact with. Francine says she’s still very close with Daffney, Amy Lee, Bobcat, and some of the other girls.

– Francine never thought she’d be such close friends with Sarah Palin (Daffney’s TNA character). James says he didn’t even realize it was Daffney to which he gets made fun of a little.

– Francine will be a brides maid at the Bobcat and Al Snow wedding. She says she’ll be the saddest one there because of her belly.

– Patrick and James thank her for coming by saying they know she doesn’t like doing many of these. Francine says it isn’t that she doesn’t like doing these but has had some bad luck and things she wasn’t up to talking about very much. But, she did our show because "I like you guys!"

– Francine closes out with a final plug saying to check out

