How old is Nairo Quintana? When is Nairo Quintana's birthday? Where is Nairo Quintana born? Where did Nairo Quintana grow up from? What's Nairo Quintana's age?
Nairo Quintana Born: February 4, 1990 (age 33years), Cmbita, Colombia
Is Nairo Quintana married? When did Nairo Quintana get married? Who's Nairo Quintana's married to? (Who's Nairo Quintana's husband / wife)?
Nairo Quintana Spouse: Yeimi Paola Hernandez
How about Nairo Quintana's parents?
Nairo Quintana Parents: Luis Quintana, Eloisa Rojas
How about Nairo Quintana's full name?
Nairo Quintana Full name: Nairo Alexander Quintana Rojas
How about Nairo Quintana's nationality?
Nairo Quintana Nationality: Colombian
How tall is Nairo Quintana in meters or centimeters?
Nairo Quintana Height: 1.67m
How about Nairo Quintana's weight?
Nairo Quintana Weight: 59kg
Why is Quintana not in the Tour de France 2023?
Nicknamed "Nairoman" and "El Cndor de los Andes", Quintana is a specialist climber, known for his ability to launch sustained and repeated attacks on ascents of steep gradient, high power output and great stamina to react and endure others' attacks.
Will Nairo Quintana race again?
Nicknamed "Nairoman" and "El Cndor de los Andes", Quintana is a specialist climber, known for his ability to launch sustained and repeated attacks on ascents of steep gradient, high power output and great stamina to react and endure others' attacks.
How good is Nairo Quintana?
Nicknamed "Nairoman" and "El Cndor de los Andes", Quintana is a specialist climber, known for his ability to launch sustained and repeated attacks on ascents of steep gradient, high power output and great stamina to react and endure others' attacks.
Why is Nairo Quintana famous?
Nicknamed "Nairoman" and "El Cndor de los Andes", Quintana is a specialist climber, known for his ability to launch sustained and repeated attacks on ascents of steep gradient, high power output and great stamina to react and endure others' attacks.