Who is Lennie Alehat? Meet Whitney Thores ex as he will appear in My Big Fat Fabulous Life Season

Lennie Alehat, an artist and Whitney Thore's ex-boyfriend, will appear on the tenth season of My Big Fat Fabulous Life to help her with her "online fitness videos." Whitney's decision to hire her ex to work for her has left her friends worried as it could rekindle their former relationship, but Whitney thinks otherwise. In

Lennie Alehat, an artist and Whitney Thore's ex-boyfriend, will appear on the tenth season of My Big Fat Fabulous Life to help her with her "online fitness videos."

Whitney's decision to hire her ex to work for her has left her friends worried as it could rekindle their former relationship, but Whitney thinks otherwise. In the confessional, she said:

“Some people might think that hanging onto an ex is a slippery slope. I might fall on my ass but I won't fall for Lennie.”

Lennie Alehat, set to appear on My Big Fat Fabulous Life, has previously appeared on an MTV show

Lennie Alehat is an artist whose work can be found on his social media account, which has more than 18K followers. He even takes "art commissions" for his work. He has appeared on the MTV show, Catfish, which revolves around people using fake identities online.

On Catfish, a woman named Chelsea believed she was talking to Lennie online, but the hosts were unsure. However, when they reached out to the artist, Lennie confirmed that he was actually talking to Chelsea.

Lennie and Whitney dated until 2016 before parting ways. However, he did appear in a few episodes of My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Lennie will again work alongside his ex-girlfriend Whitney on season 10 of the reality show.

Whitney and Lennie's relationship on My Big Fat Fabulous Life Season 10

The new season will be more dramatic than the previous seasons as Whitney will try to juggle her ex-boyfriend and her current boyfriend, a Frenchman with whom she is in a long-distance relationship.

The official synopsis of the show reads:

“Things get tricky for Whitney when she mixes her professional and personal life by hiring her ex-boyfriend, Lennie, to help with her online fitness videos.”

In the show's trailer, when Whitney goes on a trip to Saint Lucia with her brother, friends, and ex Lennie, she seems jealous of Lennie dancing with some other women. Interestingly, her brother Hunter and friend Fish can sense her jealousy. Whitney says:

“Lennie can do what he wants, I'm not jealous.”

After hiring Lennie for the job, Whitney said,

"Lennie is an ex-boyfriend and I think it's just really easy to fall back into that kind of dynamic."

However, while working together, Whitney clarified her feelings to Lennie, saying there is no scope for rekindling their relationship as she is dating her French boyfriend. In the confessional, she told the producers of My Big Fat Fabulous Life:

“I just really want to clear up, though. Like, our relationship is not even weird. It's not even inappropriate. Of course, luckily my boyfriend is very not jealous and very not worried about you at all. I showed him a picture of you and he was like, 'Oh, never mind. I'm fine.'"

However, during their conversation, Lennie hints that he is not completely over Whitney and is unsure of their future. In the confessional, he says:

“It has been pretty weird rekindling a relationship with Whitney when she has a boyfriend, but he's not really in the picture. I've never even seen him so I kinda just pretend like he doesn't exist."

Tune in on Tuesday, August 9, at 10 pm ET/PT on TLC to watch season 10 of My Big Fat Fabulous Life. The show will also be available on Discovery+ the same day.

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